*Ladies TMI* I need to remember that my emotional state is severely affected by hormones towards the END of my period rather than right before like 'back in the day'. I started noticing this shift a few years ago (I'm 42) and its only gotten more severe lately.
My period starts and forgetting that I JUST went through this a month ago, I think, "Wow!!! My period started and I didn't have any emotional meltdowns!!!"
Then by the middle of the period, I feel super fat and bloated and it hits me HARD emotionally. I struggle and flounder for a few days of arguing with myself, "No, I am NOT going to feel bad about myself damn it!" "YES I AM. I FEEL FATTTTTT"
Then it peaks about the last day of my period and I keep bursting into tears over nothing and everything and my mind bounces around trying to find something happy/peaceful to land on and I just cry instead.
Yesterday was my super emotional day. Which also fell on my birthday. Which also fell during a visit from my brother and dad (Severely dysfunction family and childhood issues abound) that left me feeling... *dark* for lack of a better word.
I was feeling bad ABOUT feeling bad and starting to really cycle down into the self abuse cycle when some friends reminded me that it is perfectly OKAY to feel sad and just cry. IT IS NORMAL TO FEEL SAD SOMETIMES.
So I did. I just let myself feel sad. And then I had some birthday drinks and I slept like a rock. I woke up this morning feeling like I had literally lost ten pounds over night. The period bloating is gone, my emotional surge feels done and I didn't *fix* it by trying to stuff everything down! I feel like this is progress!!!
OH! One other thing, I was craving chocolate like MAD all weekend and through yesterday. Even though I no longer keep foods on a restricted list and could have had it at any time, I just had probably 4 chocolate zucchini muffins and one small cup of ice cream over the entire FIVE DAYS of perioding!!! Not restricting is helping me so much. Usually I would have used the hormones/pms as a 'screw this! I'm eating it because I feel horrible and I *deserve* it.' This time, since I knew I could just have it whenever I wanted, I just kept thinking, "eh, I'll just get something later". I took the *Treat* factor out of it for myself. I LOVE THIS.
Tonight is workout #3 from "The Beautiful Badass Workout" by Nia Shanks
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