The Effects of Alcohol on Your Diet/Metabolism

As someone who was using alcohol as a sleep aid nearly every night for years, this email that I got from the guys at Bio Trust one of which is Joel Marion, (I then found in several other places around the web, but it seems to be credited to Joel or there is no mention of credit at all) was one of the motivators for me to quit drinking alcohol completely.

I may decide to have a drink in the future, but I'm sure as hell going to be keeping this in mind, because for me, being fit and healthy is more important than having a drink... especially when I know how quickly it becomes an addiction or a very bad habit that I *need* in order to sleep and relax!!!

I've been getting a lot of questions recently regarding Cheat Days, particularly about the use of alcohol. 

Seems that a lot of folks are using Cheat Days as their weekly excuse to indulge not only in their favorite foods, but also a considerable amount of alcohol. 
Bad idea (unfortunately, I know). 

The entire purpose of the Cheat Day is to up-regulate leptin levels, resetting metabolism and creating a hormonal environment conducive to fat burning. 

Alcohol consumption pretty much cancels out ALL of those positive benefits. In fact, alcohol consumption has been shown to acutely LOWER plasma leptin levels which is in direct opposition to everything you are trying to accomplish with a Cheat Day. 

In the end, Cheat Days + Alcohol = Fat GAIN. That ain't pretty. 

Now, does that mean that you can't have a drink on your Cheat Day? No, but anything more than 2 drinks will begin to have a negative effect. 

Basically, if you're feeling the effects of the alcohol you consumed, you drank too much. I know, bummer. 

But, you have goals, and in order to reach them it will require some level of sacrifice. Know that, embrace it, and move forward toward your goals. 

Besides, I've already revealed to you how you can use full blown eat-whatever-you-want Cheat Days as frequently as every 5th day to lose fat at record speed, so it really isn't that bad Wink 

That being said, if alcohol is more important that your fat loss goals that is certainly a decision you'll need to make. Just giving you the facts so you can make an educated decision. 

Joel Marion

**That last part really resonated with me.  What was my goal?  TO keep slogging through life, feeling disconnected and unhappy, uncomfortable in my own skin and avoiding mirrors?  Absolutely NOT.

Then I read a very similar opinion on Fitness Black & White : "Guideline #1: Don’t over drink. This is horrible news as well, I agree. Unfortunately all of the good hormonal effects that a cheat day brings on … alcohol cancels out. If you are going to over drink … skip the cheat day or you WILL gain weight.
The general consensus is that “over drinking” (as far as diet cheat days go) is more than one drink. Basically, if you can feel it at all, you’ve had too much. Me personally, I don’t drink any alcohol at all … and I am a big fan of beer. When it comes to shedding fat though, you’ve got to decide what you want more. Once you get to maintenance, beer in moderation is fine."
So, yeah, the alcohol needs to go.  And trust me, once I knew the facts, once I had made that final step... it was an easy CHOICE (finally), but it IS NOT an *EASY* process!!  My ability to sleep at night had been pretty much dependent on alcohol or sleeping pills for a DECADE.  No wonder my system was strained and exhausted!  Any time I tried to quit, be it for a week or a month or even two months, our days were filled with hell, because no matter how long I went, I could not seem to learn how to sleep like a normal person and I always gave up, feeling stressed out, depressed and at odds with everyone in my household.  This time, I'm making a full lifestyle change, adding an even healthier diet and a more intense workout schedule.  This time, it will be different, because I want to love myself again.  I no longer want to hide.

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