Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day #5, 6 & 7: Rest, Stretch & Cleanse!

My January workout schedule goes like this:

Sunday:  Weights, minimum cardio
Monday:  Weights, minimum cardio
Tuesday:  Weights (legs & abs) & cardio
Wednesday:  Weights, upper body, super sets and cardio
Thursday:  Rest/Cardio
Friday & Saturday:  Liquid Cleanse, Stretch/PiYo

I've worked really hard this week, even though I couldn't do much in the way of cardio, I think I'll really be able to improve on that even tomorrow.  My back is feeling SO SO much better and I know that the weight lifting has helped tremendously.

I'm using my pinterest to find different challenges to add to each month.  I am also trying to think of what I'd like to add to my "1st of the month" update video as far as my own challenges and goals.  I know things that I want to accomplish, but I'm not sure what reasonable goals are... so right now, I guess my first 'challenges' video will really just be marking where my starting point is.

How do you set goals/challenges?

I am finding TONS of motivation on Facebook... I definitely recommend finding some motivational pages for good inspiration, ideas, motivation and education.  Make sure to always research on your own as well, but there is a lot of good information out there!

For the rest of January, my workout will be the same, except that I'll gradually be able to add in those workouts that I had to skip due to injury as my back gets stronger.  I'll also be able to add in cardio at least 4 times a week starting tomorrow!  I'm excited to see this transformation happen!

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