Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day #3 of my Awesome Transformation: Insomnia, Sore Muscles & PiYo

Insomnia:  I knew that giving up alcohol was going to severely affect my sleep, it always does.  The only question is how long it will keep disrupting my nights.  I don't do well on lack of sleep.  I'm a huge ball of stress and moods whenever I'm lacking sleep.

Last night I wasn't even close to tired until 1:30am.  I finally fell into a fitful sleep around 2:00am.  Just before 4:00, I was up again.  I kept thinking I was hearing noises... I thought maybe the kids left the TV on or someone was outside.  I got up, checked everything, found nothing and stumbled back to bed.  I had a few hours of tossing and turning and finally fell back asleep around 6-7.  I tossed and turned some more and finally woke up at 10:00.  I'm trying to stay positive, but man, I hate not sleeping.  All of that tossing and turning has left me feeling like I was hit by a truck.

Sore Muscles:  I pushed a little too hard with arms on Monday, and my triceps are SO sore that it hurts to bend my arms.  I'm going to go easy on them for a few days and work with PiYo for my core and legs.  I may hit the gym for some more elliptical.  That seems to be the best bet for right now as its easy on my knees.

I started my day with protein (eggs & cottage cheese), ice water, cinnamon capsules, liquid B-12 and my Ionix Supreme... and a lot of ICE water.  So yeah, I'm huddled up on the counch under a blanket with an ice pack on my right elbow, since that's the most sore.

I had PLANNED to do PiYo* today, but the combination of sore, exhausted muscles and hyper emotional self due to nightmares and lack of sleep just wiped me out.  I ended up crashing at 3:30pm and slept hard until 7:30.  My sleep was still plagued with nightmares, though, so even once I woke, I was groggy and feeling upset.  After bursting into tears in the kitchen, Patrick just held me and reassured me that this is common and we'll get through this, too.  I complained that I felt lazy and he said that I needed the rest so that my body can recover and we can hit it hard again tomorrow.

PiYo:  Is a combination of Pilates, Yoga and Ballet.  There are a variety of levels and intensity.  I have some that are more calming and more yoga like, and some that are crazy cardio intense with a lot of movement between poses.  I like them both, but I think today I'm going to keep it low key so my muscles can recover.

I got certified to teach PiYo a year and a half ago and taught for a little while.  I couldn't find a place to teach it, though, and soon my health problems and ensuing depression had me sidelined anyway.  It is a fantastic workout for people with joint issues.  You can take it at your own pace and it builds strength, especially core strength without any impact.

It sounds like nothing, even to me, but today all I accomplished was resting, doing two 30 second planks and some stretching.  That's all I had in me.  The difference this time is that I am still staying positive.  This isn't even a set back, its just a rest day.

Hugs to you and I hope you had a wonderful day!

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