Sunday, February 3, 2013

PMS Monsters: Moods, Cravings & Food

Trivia Question of the Day:  What 'funny' dad/husband said this?

Wife:  "I think the hormonal fluctuation of PMS is screwing with my sleep.  I'm about ready to bawl my head off over everything."

Husband, "I kinda picked up on that a couple of days ago."

Hint: I didn't find it funny.

Yeah, it was my husband.  My generally awesome, amazing husband, who at times has 'foot in mouth disease'.

Thankfully for him, it was via email and I assumed he was being an idiot and not thinking.  If he'd been here in person, it could have easily led to tears or yelling.  Probably both.

I don't know what is up lately (yeah, I got it, I'm getting older, probably menopause type shit), but the emotional ups and downs have been crazy for me.  I have managed to pretty much avoid feeding my cravings, but I will say that after three days of craving sugar, I decided to allow myself a Snickers bar.  I actually bought one on Friday and then didn't even eat it until Saturday.

It was DIVINE... and it was ENOUGH!  That was a new one for me!  I was happy to have had it, I didn't beat myself up, I just enjoyed it and then that was ALL.  I didn't use that as a reason to beat myself up, or cave and eat everything in sight (something I've done in the past)... I just had a treat.  It was nice.  I felt good about having made a decision rather than just clinging to some hard and fast rule and I let myself BE.  I didn't fall apart and I didn't then cave on my whole journey to health.

I think I like this new me.  Listening to myself, being kind to myself and letting myself have weak moments without throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I feel victorious!

Source: via Allison on Pinterest

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is HUGE for someone like me!  I tend to be all or nothing, black or white, no in between... and even a small, tiny indiscretion would often have me giving up completely.  I'm growing up, y'all! :)

I am living by THIS motto now:

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

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